BPX Finance Application Privacy Policy

Effective date: 14/08/2023

Welcome to BPX Finance! We value your trust in our app and are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about how we collect, use and protect the personal information you provide when using the BPX Finance application.

Information Collection: BPX Finance is designed to not collect any personal information from its users. We do not collect personally identifiable data, financial information, transaction history, email addresses, or any other sensitive information.

Use of Information: Because we do not collect personal information, we do not use or share this information with third parties. Your use of BPX Finance is completely anonymous and secure. All your activities within the app are local only and are not transmitted to our servers or any other systems.

Data storage: BPX Finance does not store any personal data on our servers. All information generated by the app remains on your device and is not shared or transferred anywhere else.

Cookies and Tracking: We do not use cookies or tracking technologies to collect information about BPX Finance users.

Updates and Improvements: From time to time, we may release app updates to improve the user experience. However, any new version of BPX Finance will maintain the same commitment to privacy and not collecting personal information.

Children: BPX Finance is not intended for children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect information from minors.

Changes to the Privacy Policy: If we decide to make changes to this privacy policy, we will update the effective date at the top of this page. Be sure to check back periodically to be aware of any changes.